Surface treatment area

We offer following surface treatment processes:
- shot blasting and tumbling,
- washing of the parts in automatic cycle,
- chromate coating (trivalent chromium),
- wet painting and powder coating in wide range of colours
acc. to RAL and NCS, - thread coatings,
- screen painting (logos etc.),
- sealing and anodizing processes.
Contact us

ul. Słubicka 1
65-127 Zielona Góra | Poland
(+48 68) 45 75 100
Lumel Alucast Sp. z o.o.
Bank account: ING Bank Śląski S.A.
PL16 1050 1520 1000 0023 2840 8618 (PLN)
PL05 1050 1520 1000 0023 2840 8816 (EUR)
PL08 1050 1520 1000 0023 2840 9053 (USD)
Registered in District Court in Zielona Góra, VIII Economic Department
of Domestic Court Register under No. KRS 0000381491
NIP 527-265-14-70
Initial capital: 5 916 600 PLN
© 2024 | Copyright by LUMEL ALUCAST Sp. z o.o.