Get everything done
in house with Lumel Alucast

Lumel Alucast engineering team active cooperates with customers in area of product development, beginning from construction works, technological improvements to the selection
of production processes, allowing for cost optimization and quality improvement
of the final product.
Tool design
Lumel Alucast tool shop has its own engineering team, that creates construction and technological documentation for tool processes.
Our constructors team designs the tools based
on 3D drawings or on entrusted documentation.
We specialize in designing of tools in the area
of HPDC like: moulds, dies, gating systems working in full automatic casting cycle, CMM
and CNC fixtures.

Tool shop
Lumel Alucast tool shop carries out all works connected with execution of moulds, dies
and machining fixtures. We prepare
40 sets of tools for our customers every year.
We can manufacture the tools with the maximum dimensions (X) 1000 x (Y) 500 and weight up to 5000 kg. We use such machining processes like: milling, turning, drilling, grinding and EDM.
Due to documentation prepared by our engineer’s team, Lumel Alucast tool shop executes the tools and fixtures like:
• elements for casting moulds,
• trimming dies,
• CNC and CMM fixtures,
• spare parts like forming pins, mould forming elements (cores, sliders, inserts).
We melt 20 tones of alloys every year.
We specialize in production of high pressure
die-castings from aluminium alloys EN AC-47000, EN AC-46000, EN AC-44200 and EN AC-43400, ADC12. We use machines with closing force
from 400 to 840 tones. Our castings fulfill explosion-proof requirements (EX). We have
the possibility to manufacture die castings
from 0.3 kg up to 6 kg.

CNC machining
We cover complete spectrum of CNC machining complemented by the latest technologies,
what allow us to guarantee the quality, precision
and repeatability of manufactured parts.
Aluminum treatments give the material surface the proper efficiency in industrial applications.
By using operations like shot blasting, chromate coating, anodizing or painting we can significantly increase the quality and value of your product.

We have the possibility of assembling
of standardized and customized elements
as well as elements executed in our factory.
To the assembly we use mechanical,
electrical components and circuit boards
executed in SMT or THT technology.
Electronic assembly
Aside from aluminium die-casting business
for nearly 70 years Lumel is well-known
for the production of highest quality of electronic measuring devices. For the customers, who want to have 100% product ready to sell we offer following services:
• EMS – electronic manufacturing services
• OEM / ODM – Conceptualizing – Designing – Development – Production, in the scope
of housing, electronics, mechanics and software.
All under one roof.

Lumel Alucast engineering team active cooperates with customers in area of product development, beginning from construction works, technological improvements to the selection
of production processes, allowing for cost optimization and quality improvement
of the final product.

Tool design
Lumel Alucast tool shop has its own engineering team, that creates construction and technological documentation for tool processes.
Our constructors team designs the tools based
on 3D drawings or on entrusted documentation.
We specialize in designing of tools in the area
of HPDC like: moulds, dies, gating systems working in full automatic casting cycle, CMM
and CNC fixtures.

Tool shop
Lumel Alucast tool shop carries out all works connected with execution of moulds, dies
and machining fixtures. We prepare
40 sets of tools for our customers every year.
We can manufacture the tools with the maximum dimensions (X) 1000 x (Y) 500 and weight up to 500 kg. We use such machining processes like: milling, turning, drilling, grinding and EDM.
Due to documentation prepared by our engineer’s team, Lumel Alucast tool shop executes the tools and fixtures like:
• elements for casting moulds,
• trimming dies,
• CNC and CMM fixtures,
• spare parts like forming pins, mould forming elements (cores, sliders, inserts).

We melt 20 tones of alloys every year.
We specialize in production of high pressure
die-castings from aluminium alloys EN AC-47000, EN AC-46000, EN AC-44200 and EN AC-43400, ADC12. We use machines with closing force
from 400 to 840 tones. Our castings fulfill explosion-proof requirements (EX). We have
the possibility to manufacture die castings
from 0.3 kg up to 6 kg.

CNC machining
We cover complete spectrum of CNC machining complemented by the latest technologies,
what allow us to guarantee the quality, precision
and repeatability of manufactured parts.

Aluminum treatments give the material surface the proper efficiency in industrial applications.
By using operations like shot blasting, chromate coating, anodizing or painting we can significantly increase the quality and value of your product.

We have the possibility of assembling
of standardized and customized elements
as well as elements executed in our factory.
To the assembly we use mechanical,
electrical components and circuit boards
executed in SMT or THT technology.

Electronic assembly
Aside from aluminium die-casting business
for nearly 70 years Lumel is well-known
for the production of highest quality of electronic measuring devices. For the customers, who want to have 100% product ready to sell we offer following services:
• EMS – electronic manufacturing services
• OEM / ODM – Conceptualizing – Designing – Development – Production, in the scope
of housing, electronics, mechanics and software.
All under one roof.

ul. Słubicka 1
65-127 Zielona Góra | Poland
(+48 68) 45 75 100
Lumel Alucast Sp. z o.o.
Bank account: ING Bank Śląski S.A.
PL16 1050 1520 1000 0023 2840 8618 (PLN)
PL05 1050 1520 1000 0023 2840 8816 (EUR)
PL08 1050 1520 1000 0023 2840 9053 (USD)
Registered in District Court in Zielona Góra, VIII Economic Department
of Domestic Court Register under No. KRS 0000381491
NIP 527-265-14-70
Initial capital: 5 916 600 PLN
© 2024 | Copyright by LUMEL ALUCAST Sp. z o.o.