Execution of design

Moulds and trimming tools for pressure die casting process

We prepare design documentation of moulds
and trimming dies for aluminum pressure casting in fully automated DCM machines. We use CAD Solid Works software to prepare design documentation. In order to obtain the desired results, our mould designs are based on results
of die casting simulations performed in the FLOW 3D software. The design documentation
of the dies takes into account the requirements
of the future automation of the detail production process.


CNC fixtures

We design CNC fixtures with a hydraulic clamp, with mechanical clamp for a specific detail
and technological task. Correctness of parts fitting in CNC fixtures can be assured by Air Gaps Systems. All these solutions affect the precise
and repeatable clamping of the machined part
in the CNC machining processes.



CMM fixtures

In accordance to customer’s requirements
and on the basis of quality requirements
we design the CMM fixtures to use
in the production process or in a measurement laboratory.


HPDC flow

Due to many years of experience, Lumel Alucast has the ability to carry out full simulation of high-pressure casting processes in FLOW 3D.
The simulation of injection includes flow velocity, gas content in metal volume, solidification, temperature distribution and air evacuation
from the mould cavity.

Moulds and trimming tools for pressure die casting process

We prepare design documentation of moulds
and trimming dies for aluminum pressure casting in fully automated DCM machines. We use CAD Solid Works software to prepare design documentation. In order to obtain the desired results, our mould designs are based on results
of die casting simulations performed in the FLOW 3D software. The design documentation
of the dies takes into account the requirements
of the future automation of the detail production process.


CNC fixtures

We design CNC fixtures with a hydraulic clamp, with mechanical clamp for a specific detail
and technological task. Correctness of parts fitting in CNC fixtures can be assured by Air Gaps Systems. All these solutions affect the precise
and repeatable clamping of the machined part
in the CNC machining processes.



CMM fixtures

In accordance to customer’s requirements
and on the basis of quality requirements
we design the CMM fixtures to use
in the production process or in a measurement laboratory.


HPDC flow

Due to many years of experience, Lumel Alucast has the ability to carry out full simulation of high-pressure casting processes in FLOW 3D.
The simulation of injection includes flow velocity, gas content in metal volume, solidification, temperature distribution and air evacuation
from the mould cavity.

Contact us










ul. Słubicka 1
65-127 Zielona Góra | Poland
(+48 68) 45 75 100

Lumel Alucast Sp. z o.o.

Bank account: ING Bank Śląski S.A.
PL16 1050 1520 1000 0023 2840 8618 (PLN)
PL05 1050 1520 1000 0023 2840 8816 (EUR)
PL08 1050 1520 1000 0023 2840 9053 (USD)

Registered in District Court in Zielona Góra, VIII Economic Department
of Domestic Court Register under No. KRS 0000381491
NIP 527-265-14-70
Initial capital: 5 916 600 PLN
© 2024 | Copyright by LUMEL ALUCAST Sp. z o.o.